Chili runs the game all at once continually without breaks, meaning that everything he does is practiced to the point where the things he does are consistent. Though less about the difference between engine and more run style. However, if you jump backwards, it still adds to your backwards speed and so each hop adds far more speed until you reach the maximum speed (3500 hammer units per second on any one axis) if you'd like to learn more about this movement check out.
crouching, walking, standard running) the game would add speed in the opposite direction in an attempt to bring you back down to the cap. What they did was when you moved at a certain speed above a theoretical cap (different for each method of movement e.g.
There are more differences than I can count on one hand between the engines, but first the entire way of moving around is different, in old engine you can simply hold w and repeatedly jump to gain speed (referred to as bunny hopping) whereas in new engine, Valve actually patched this though their way of patching it was flawed. Glad you asked! Chili runs on New Engine, DQer runs on Old Engine.